Serving in the Canada Edmonton Mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Week 75, 3/8/17

Oh hey.  I'm just warning you, this is going to probably be a long email because SO much happened this week!!!😱 We had some miracles happen for sure.  

One last pic of the 4-Man Pad...we had a great run! E. Potter & Chamberlain both got transferred, now we have 5 guys here!
Denny's run
Wednesday after we were finally done helping with transfers we went finding for a while and then taught Hxxxxx.  When we got there, her daughter was heading off to young women's, so that was a good sign.  We taught her the plan of salvation, and it was super spiritual.  We taught surprisingly well together for there being three of us and never teaching together with Elder Moody.  He is super awesome.  She liked church, except for relief society, she said she didn't like how gossipy it was hahaha.  So if you're in Relief Society make sure you don't gossip, especially when investigators are there;) Anyways, she acknowledged that she felt a good feeling with us, and also committed to be baptized on April 8th! We walked out of that lesson with our jaws dropping by how prepared she is. We are just humbled and blessed to be able to participate in her conversion.  She is SO awesome.  I haven't seen anything like this since Lawerance and Len in Slave Lake. But wait, it gets better.  We taught her whole family a few days later about the gospel of Jesus Christ, and her 12 year old daughter McKenna committed to be baptized with her mom on April 8th!  McKenna is quite the amazing 12 year old.  She isn't just doing what her Mom mom is doing to be a good kid, she believes in God and has a relationship with Him, and believes that what we say is true, and wants to follow Jesus Christ and be baptized.  She asks some awesome questions and makes some super un-12-year-old-like comments.  We taught them again last night and it went wonderfully again, and we can tell they love meeting with us and feeling the spirit.  Her two sons Jack and Bobby aren't quite as excited about all this new church stuff yet, but what 9 and 10 year olds would be? They will come around :)  So there is my spiel about Hxxxxxx.  

Pre-transfers zone pic
I still haven't finished talking about Wednesday night though.  Wednesday night we experienced a bit of "Moody magic".  We were stopping by a few potentials and we were knocking on this one door and Elder Moody yells across complex to this lady walking her dog, "Hey how's it going?!" She was caught off guard at first but he said it again, and she started walking towards us, so we went and had a conversation with her and eventually she invited us in to teach her briefly! It turns out the guy we were stopping by lived in her same house.  She seemed super captivated by the story of the restoration and when we read some scriptures to her out of the Book of a Mormon she was quietly reading along with us.  Her name is Apple.  We weren't able to get a return appointment cuz she was going to Calgary but we are hoping to teach her and everyone else who lives in that townhouse sometimes this week.   

Supper with the APs and two Elders heading home
Thursday was a bit of different day.  I got to be companions with the famed Elder Ridge Francis Payne again for the day because his companion was super sick. He basically just dragged me around running AP errands and doing office work for most the day.  We went finding for a bit and talked to a rad dude who makes his own overalls out of all sorts of crazy looking patches. Good times!  

Friday morning we stopped by Axxx (can't remember if I've talked about her yet) but she is a potential who we briefly taught about the Book of Mormon a little while ago.  We felt like we should stop by and we did, she let us in, we taught her and her 14 year old daughter about the gospel of Jesus Christ, and committed them to be baptized on April 22nd.  Her story is super cool.  She used to be Muslim, she is from South Sudan.  About a year ago she was super sick for like 3 months straight, and the doctors didn't know what to do, so they kind of just let her be.  She resorted to calling out for Jesus to help her, even though she didn't have a belief that He is the Savior.  The next morning she could get up and walk around, and then she gradually got back to full health, and that confirmed to her that Jesus Christ is her Savior.  So cool!  So she has been a Christian for about a year.  It is SUPER rare for Muslims to convert to Christianity by the way.  I'm so glad the Lord led us to her!  

 (Creepy)  Elders 1-yr hump day shirt burning ritual

FINALLY got some decent snow
Sunday morning we taught Dxxxxx again, she is still doing absolutely fantastic and just needs to become a member already.  She is such an awesome and Christlike lady.  She came to stake conference and we got to introduce her to President Pattison which was pretty cool.  The biggest challenge with her is that she can only meet once a week.  We are making it work though.  We also found a couple new investigators this week, a couple named Zahida and Mohammad, they are Muslims so it likely wont go anywhere, nice people though.  There are a few young women in our ward who moved here from Zimbabwe and their uncle is a less active member, and their aunt is not a member but is christian and has some great questions and is curious about a lot of things so we are going to teach them now as well. :)
My bedroom.  Not much walking room

Lets see what else happened.... We still had time to do quite a bit of finding.  We had ran into some pretty mean people this week :(  We had a guy f-bomb us a couple times and then went to "go get his gun", one guy answered the door and then pointed to his no soliciting sign and started counting down from 3 haha.  Also we experienced more "Moody magic", we got into a lady's house simply because he asked to use the washroom after she already said no cuz he had to pee really bad, and now she said we could come back! I tried that same approach later in the evening and got shut down :( oh well.  Fun stuff.   

Thats enough for now, I'll end this novel.  This week was so awesome. It is impossible to miss how much we are being blessed right now.  I have felt the Holy Ghost testify to me so many times this week that everything is true.  The Book of Mormon is true, Jesus Christ lives and through His sacrifice we can live with God again, we have prophet who is called of God.  It is all real and true!  Well this email took forever to write because living in a tiny house with 4 other elders can get pretty distracting sometimes (every time). 

Love you all and I hope you have a great week!   

What I did all day Thursday
Weekly Scripture: Matthew 22:36-40 36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law? 37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. 38 This is the first and great commandment. 39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. 40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.  

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