Serving in the Canada Edmonton Mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Week 44, 7/28/16 (out of order)

Yup, that's Canada
Dang.  This week has been interesting.  So I'll just start by reminding you all about Lyle from my last area who lives clear up in Wabasca and giving you a Slave Lake update.  He's the one who elder Hunsaker and I started teaching and was super sick all the time who we visited in the hospital a few times. Remember him?  Well he got married two weeks ago, and got baptized on Saturday!! So sweet!  His conversion story is so cool.  Ask me about it sometime.  From what I hear, Len should be getting baptized really soon, and Blake and Bev and the fam actually have a marriage date, and are still on track.  Slave lake is still the promised land:)  

Anyways, now for the news here in Greenfield/River Valley.  That's right we are covering two wards right now, but I'll get to that later. Wednesday I had a super fun exchange with Elder Pouliot here in Greenfield.  In the evening we went and taught that Muslim guy who came to the wrong ward last week, Mustafa.  We had a quick little lesson with him, answered some of his questions and stressed the importance of the Book of Mormon, it went well.  After that we went and balled with a bunch of 14-16 year old black dudes at this park that was close by, it was tons of fun and they asked us the usual questions all about missionary work.  

Friday we met with Mustafa again.  It was kind of funny, instantly he just had a bunch of question about the restoration, the plan of salvation, the gospel and the commandments.  So basically the first 4 lessons.  We ended up teaching him the second half of the restoration and the second half of the plan of salvation, and we had to use google translate a bit on our iPads and it helped out a bunch!  Having access to that kind of technology is seriously such a blessing.  His wife joined in at the end and we invited them both to church.  

Saturday Elder Jenson and I tried "cookie contacting."  We made a bunch of cookies to deliver to the people in our apartment complex and some less actives just so we could get more familiar with our neighbors and hopefully get in with some less actives.  Nobody was really home except one guy who was surprised and super happy haha.  We know Gerry (the eternigator) loves food though so we called him and asked if he wanted some and later that night he came and got some and we invited him to church and he actually came haha! Mustafa also came to church, so church was pretty awesome with all the members seeing that we had two investigators sitting with us at church.   For Slave Lake that would've just been kind of below average but here it is definitely something to be excited about!  

Taking a trip with my tripan
Now here's where things get interesting.  On Friday night, President called us and told us that starting on Sunday at least till the end of the transfer, we would be in a TRIPAN (threesome) with Elder Hlavaty (yes I spelled that right), one of our zone leaders, and we would be covering two areas.  He didn't tell us why so we were super confused, but we were super excited to have a car again.  The next day we found out it was because his companion was going to be next assistant to the president, so he was going to be getting trained  on how to do that all week.  So Sunday afternoon we packed everything up and met everyone at the church and moved into the River Valley apartment, and it was all a big mess of chaos.  Now we are covering two wards and it's been pretty interesting and I actually love the unexpected change!  Plus Elder Hlavaty is super cool.  Anyways, it's not over.... Monday morning we got another call from President, and Elder Jenson is getting transferred a week early (because another Elder up there is going home a week early) to High Level, a town 9.5 hours north of here!!! It's the second most northern town in the mission, aside from of course Yellowknife.  Yes Elder Jenson is getting transferred and I have been here longer than him... It's super weird and we are all confused and wondering what is going to happen with the rest of transfers, because I totally thought I would be leaving this area.  There is a lot of speculation going on because there has been some other crazy stuff going on with transfers already in my district.  I would love to stay with E. Hlavaty but he is a zone leader. I guess we will see what happens and just try to focus on inviting others to come unto Christ :)  

Weekly Scripture: D&C 19 29-30: 29 And thou shalt declare glad tidings, yea, publish it upon the mountains, and upon every high place, and among every people that thou shalt be permitted to see.  30 And thou shalt do it with all humility, trusting in me, reviling not against revilers.

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